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Is this real life? Vita finally plateau-ing above 20k? Blimey. Pleased with that.

Danganronpa up on last week as well, which is weird but very pleasing. Maybe it'll show the great legs that the first game did.

On the other hand, shame that PSPVita multiplats like Jikkyo still sell better on PSP, but I think it did have a price advantage over the Vita version.

On the other hand, Wii-U... I know, it's because the bundles are coming next week, but every console has gone through a phase where something is coming next week (new colours; new model; big bundled release etc.) and they didn't reach 2.5k. Things really are desperate.

But hey, at least next week might be something more cheerful with hardware up and a new game in the chart. And there's some Vita software coming too, so I'll be cheerful as well!

P.S. I forgot Daylight Savings Time :'(