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Frequency said:
For comparison i have taken the xbox one version (left) and adjusted the brightness of the ps4 version (right) to match the video settings used on the xbox one capture, then applied the same sharpen process that the xbox ones hardware upscaler applies to image it upscales, this gives a very accurate comparison.

Texture details extremely similar, only more defined on the PS4 with resolution, and the bump maps on the xbox one more defined because of the pumped up gamma levels, with the consoles images adjusted in brigtness to more accurately match what they actually look like, when captured with the same hardware, you see that the ground texture has vertical scratch marks on both versions, but those vertical scatches are of much higher resolution on the PS4.
The rock textures on the flat ground are entirely different for the reason i explained in my previous post, with enough play throughs you would end up with similar but potentially not identical layouts - i see no real benefit of doing this beyond preventing direct comparisons however, and i have a sneaking suspicion that the use of randomly generated ground textures and camo is directly associated with player clothing being used as the benchmark in almost all graphics comparisons.

actually you are the altering the image. The original video (unaltered, unedited direct capture) is "what they will actually look like". Not the one  you altered to make the PS4 look better.


Sad that PS4 defenders are editing GIFs in mass (I think every gif comparison has been altered to favor the PS4 until proved otherwise) to get us to notice any tiny difference, but that they have too says it all I think. There's almost no difference.