is pretty obvious lenght, the game will have lots of scripted events just like BF3 or better said the game is a huge scripted event leaving SP gaming at minimun I realize this after seeing the very few SP trailers of BF4.
Same goes for COD games, those are flooded with those cut scenes but at least I think it will have a couple of more hours, this kind games are not meant for SP, developers are only thinking on MP only when creating them.
But the good thing here is that we have Killzone Shadow Fall already stated that it will last 10 hours, but since it will somehow kinda open game so it can be even larger time, not only that theres the MP that look phenomenal.
1080p 60 frames ? oh yes baby :D, same goes for the SP 1080p at 30 frames.
Gawwd I love PS exclusives :)