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Mummelmann said:
Its the same here, the two cheapest 360's are 200 and up to 800NOK cheaper than the Wii. The Wii's price is becoming a factor ww pretty fast and stands out as considerably less value for money imo.
I don't care if you don't need BluRay or X-box live, its still worth money.
I don't need a Dodge Viper but I can recognize its worth even still (I'm writing this because I was shot down for thinking the PS3 more value for money than the Wii in another thread).

If I don't need blu-ray, or if I don't want to pay to play online, then it's not worth money to me. Saying that you can recognize a Dodge Vipers worth is just like me saying that I can recognize the PS3 worth... but not for me. And it seems like many other people fell the same way. It's worth it's money if you need it, but that doesn't make it worth it for everyone. That also doesn't help someone be able to afford one.

I'm interested to see what happens when the price of the pro 360 (or whatever the cheapest version is that has a HDD) and the 40gig PS3 come close ($50 bucks or so) to the price of the Wii, and it doesn't significantly push sales above the Wii, or doesn't even get them to Wii sales levels. What will people say then?