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I don't know... If you live in a area that was once all white for over 1,000 years, and had a sense of community and belonging, and in the past 12 or so years it's become 45% Asian/Middle Eastern (etc) with the new arrivals rarely working yet living off the fat of the land whilst undermining your culture and history, you've every right to be alarmed and angry.

If we were all just the same and humans, nobody would be annoyed at the point I've made, but we all know deep down it's a huge issue.

I've had to put off having kids, and leave my hometown as there's nowhere left to live. However, immigrants are being encouraged to breed, with mass benefits and free housing (two homes knocked into one to house large Asian families). If I was to apply for this, I'd be laughed out of the room.

If people don't think this is happening, and can't see a more sinister side to it, they seriously need to open their eyes!

The demise of the white/Euro is planned. Our history may have been bleak, but so is the history of Islam/SE Asia & Africa...