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Wii Party U Can't Keep The Momentum Going

There are two types of party games. There are those that are instant hits by following a simplistic nature and sticking to it, like any given round of You Don't Know Jack or a multiplayer round of Bomberman. Then you have those that strive a little too hard to be a party game, offering so much diversity that the bits and pieces rarely add up. The latter is definitely the case for Wii Party U, a compilation that has its small merits here and there, but can't get over its weaknesses.

This follow-up to the somewhat tepid 2010 release features 80+ mini-games to choose from, which are divided into categories. Most of these are skill-oriented, though there are also quick games where you can compete on a board game level, ala Mario Party, or even play quick sports events on the GamePad. There's diversity here aplenty – some games make practical use of the GamePad controller, like a screaming match where you try to knock certain players off balance – but not all the games are winners.

Sometimes the gameplay is just monotonous in these events, like with a bizarre animal racing game with very little momentum -- or reasoning. In what scenario could a giraffe outrun a rhino? Granted, maybe the giraffe is on speed, who knows. Diamond Is Mine is also rather bland, with just a bunch of running around.

Sadly, you have no way to edit a rotation, so when you're stuck with a lame mini-game, there's no way around it. It brings the Party vibe down a notch, which is the last thing you want a compilation like this to do.

Worse yet, the game has very little to the solo player. While a majority of these games can be played against AI opponents, they don't exactly have elite skills. Case in point – we chocked up the highest difficulty possible for our AI player, and then took them on in a game of baseball. Despite their "elite skill," as it were, we whooped them 11-4. You're best off sticking with friends.

Between TV Party, House Party and GamePad Party, various mini-games are available, but, again, it's a crap-shoot. For every inspired game that comes up, there's an equally bland one that drags the whole shebang bring down. Again, it would've been ideal for Nintendo to offer some customization options, so we could skip the bad games and go right to the good.

Plus, the presentation seems sort of bland. Sure, you can use your custom Mii characters and get them involved in wacky situations – like dressing them up and putting them in strange positions, Twister-style – but the game lacks the distinct charm of the Mario games. It's blandly put together with a generic soundtrack and sound samples, and even the hosts, a pair of Muppet-like figureheads explaining each event, fail to inject the proceedings with any humor. As a result, the compilation feels basic, instead of livening the mood like You Don't Know Jack can do with ease. Those guys know how to cut loose, while this feels strictly dress coded.

The Wii U doesn't have a huge girth of games at the moment, so, by default, Wii Party U easily stands head and shoulders above the smelly party compilation games that were slapped together for the system's release last year. On its own merits, though, it's tough to recommend. The unsteady flow of mini-games – between good and bad – and bland presentation leave you wondering just what the host could've done better if they loosened up a bit. It's worth a try, but chances are you'll head back to previously released Mario Party games instead. Can't say we blame you…


Score: 5/10