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Looking at forum threads like these, you can see how people use different parts of a specification to claim they are more significant than they are. I never believed anyone would believe the weak mips based cpu in the ps2 is in anyway competitive with the original xbox's celeron processor but it's in this thread. Clearly a quick look at the catalogue of original xbox games versus ps2 shows the xbox is delivering far more ambitious games especially with regards games that need high cpu resources.

I personally see no issue with the ps4 achieving 1080p when the xbox one struggles to achieve this. Firstly the xbox one is more complicated than ps4. Unlike the ps3 the ps4 has been designed for very easy development with a no compromise approach this will probably benefit early development. Also allowing for all the advantages of the ps4 gpu in performance it still represents probably just over 50% improvement in performance even allowing for the xbox one's recent upclock. PS4 still has 2x ROPs and other improvements in the gpu. Then factor in the much higher bandwidth across all 8GB of memory and you clearly have a design where 1080p is going to be more easily obtained. However in terms of running the same games, the memory and cpu assets of both consoles are very similar. Yes the ps4 has an advantage here but it will likely end up being something like a 900p vs 1080p comparision over most of the generation. No sane person is going to care about this difference in resolution. The important thing is which games each console gets. Also I thing the force feedback triggers of the xbox one is a brilliant idea so each gun for example can have a different feel. This is far more important to me than 900p vs 1080p.

Neither xbox one or ps4 are cutting edge. They are easily beaten by PC. This new generation has been a small jump. If you care about visual fidelity and resolution go PC. However clearly the ps4 has an advantage over xbox one in gpu terms just like the 360 had over ps3. That's just the way it is and there will be more and more evidence of the ps4 having improved graphics over xbox one. These advantages are unlikely to be that significant but they will exist.

I don't plan to buy either console at launch but do intend to buy both later when they have a better selection of games.