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While yes a few PS4's has over heated before release they were also not well ventilated. Sony is pretty good with hardware and even though the PS3 has had some issues it also isnt a large percentage of people who has had these issues. Last time I read up on it the failure rates was

Wii - 8%
PS3 - 14%
X360 17-18%

THose are off the top of my head so dont take my word for it. What I am trying to say is consoles are going to have occasional problems but as long as they dont have Red Ring like problems then customers wont care too much. I believe X360 was at 30%+ Failure rate before fixing the RRoD issues if not %40+. Once again it has been a while since ive read up on this but if im remembering correctly these are all very close to the numbers i read about on failure rates.