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To whoever asked, yes, it will be possible to use the analog stick. Either on the Gamecube controller, the classic Controller, or the Nunchuck. You can also use a Wiimote only, and tilt that as a wheel (but without the wheel) or use the wheel.

I have further proof that the game is likely to be 49-55 dolllars, although, this is not as relevant.

In Norway (where I live, to avoid confusion), games are normally priced the dollar price timed 10 in NOK. The real dollar vs NOK is 1:6, but that is really irrelevant. Almost no games I have bought have been less than 1:9

Now, I could Pre-order MarioKartWii for 459 NOK. They said it was a 40 NOK discount. That means the normal price is 499, or possibly 449, as they could be lying. For the game to be 59.99 dollars, the rate would be 8.4:1 in NOK to dollars. That is lower than any game I have bought. I find this unlikely.


Haha! I loved the Melee Failure. It actually fits almost prefectly for Windbane.

@ Windbane

Show me a picture on Xbox that looks BETTER than SMG. Because if you can't, this is the situation

Therefore, SMG = GC

So if you can't find a picture that looks better, this is the situation:

GC = XB.

Now, we know that Wii is about double as powerfull as XB, so Wii = XB*2.

You obviously didn't read the entire thread neither, as you have said things as "I heard blah blah" when it has already been confirmed with sources here.

"Check out that Brawl thread, btw, because it's all about a stupid score about graphics."

Oh, but this is the only score that has graphical included in GR (as heaps of Japaneese have, but they are not included.) so therefore we are looking at GR. Fact is: discussing graphics when it favours you, or when you want it, is ok. Otherwise, it is all about a stupid score.

And please, you are saying that reviewers aren't nationalistic? They are nationalistic like hell.

"My criticisms began with my disappointment over Mario Kart's graphics from what I've seen so far."

Look at the earlier pictures I've put up. We can't give you more information than that at the current time. You have all you need to "form your own opinion" and all that crap.

And didn't you own a Ps2 last gen (correct me if I am wrong)? Then why do you care whether it looks better than the GC/XB? You didn't chose those graphics then, did you?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS