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Apparently you haven't done your homework.

The stones have been tested multiple times.

The National University of Engineering of Peru. The tests’ conclusions lead unmistakably to the conclusion that the stones were indeed of Pre-Hispanic origin.

Joseph F. Blumrich, a NASA scientists,ran lab tests on it and said they were authentic.

Tests have also been done by Ryan Drum, an Biologist who said the stones weren't done in our time. Tests were reportedly done other times as well.

What do you mean there is no context?
There are Moche vases in Peruvian museums dating from 70 A.D. to 900 A.D. with dinosaurs on them. There are also azcan textile depicting figures that are dated hundreds of years old.

In the Larco Herrera Museum in Peru there are vases that clearly depict dinosaurs. Some of these same types of dinosaurs are shown on the Ica stones.

Around Acambaro, Mexico, over 33,000 ceramic figurines were found in the area and identified with the Pre-classical Chupicuaro Culture and some of them were dinosaurs. And they were discovered in the 1940s long before the west's fascination with and mass exposure to dinosaurs.

There have been artifacts from Tiwanaku in Bolivia that look like dinosaurs.

The native American Coclé culture of Panama, which existed hundreds of years ago ,there was discovered a pottery of a pterodactyle according to A. Hyatt Verrill.
And there are many more "anomalous" artifacts in central and south america like these that you won't find in your history or science textbooks. These findings contradict the evolution story they have been indoctrinating the masses with so I doubt things will change.

If you want to base your beliefs on a bunch of "scientists" worldview without critically analysing and challenging it then that's on you. But please do some actual homework instead of making ill informed posts. And that goes for everybody else.