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bananaking21 said:
CGI-Quality said:
bananaking21 said:
CGI-Quality said:
No matter how reliable, it's a rumor until confirmation. Only reason(s) I can imagine any truth to this (since the PS4 version was confirmed @ 1080p) - it is either a shoddy port or they ran out of time.

it would be pretty impossible to believe that Infinity ward would make the xbox version of CoD a "shoddy port" though, considering xbox is their biggest platform.

Then they ran out of time, or the X1 truly had issues running it at the same resolution as the PS4 (which sounds completely unlikely).

i know people are downplaying CoD but have people seen the requirments that the game needs on PC? its certainly a game that needs a lot of juice. im not saying this to bash xbox or praise PS4 but im just stating my opinion on the matter. i just wouldnt be surprised if the game runs on 720P on the xbox one, its certainly weaker than the PS4 so i dont expect parity, the game runs at 60FPS too. and this is the first time they develop for both consoles. the devs dont know all the in and outs of the xbox one or PS4. i wouldnt say its a matter of time, as the PS4 is running at 60FPS. my opinion would be that they just dont have enough experience with the xbox one to make it run at 1080P this time aruond.

Word in the thread has it that it isn´t brute power (or lack of) that is causing the problems: it´s the ESRAM