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ListerOfSmeg said:
Well I think you have to look at the hype behind each game. Beyond, like most PS games, was called AAA must own. I don't recall many people saying the same for W101 or Puppeteer. Both were consider niche titles especially W101. Platinum games are not known for great sales so I doubt anyone expected it to be a chart buster.
Also have to look at the install base. W101 was on a console with an install base of 3.5 million. Beyond was on a console with 80million.
Last thing we need to consider is budget. Beyond had the highest budget out of any of the other games being mentioned.
I would say when all the facts are considered its easy to see the game flopped pretty hard.

Wonderful 101 received plenty of promotion from Nintendo in 2012; then just fell off the face of the earth in 2013, before release.  It seems like last year everyone was considering W101 a big title, then as we drew closer to release and people realised it wasn't going to sell well, expectations changed.

Also, do you have any evidence that Beyond's budget was higher?  As I recall, we've had no information about Puppeteer's budget; and all we know about W101 is supposedly that it's "1.5x Bayonetta", a game which failed to break even at ~ 1 million sold.