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Halo (only thing the franchise has going for it imho)

I do think a lot of the great AI in Halo kind of fell off a cliff moving to this gen from the last. None of the Halo's I have played on 360 can come close to matching the AI from the Xbox games. But the design of the game and its almost sandbox type setting really gave the AI a ton of room to operate. Which is why I am also impressed by the second two shooters, they manage to pull off great AI while being the typical corridor shooter. Meanwhile CoD/KZ/BF and even the TPS like Gears/Uncharted/Last of Us are all shit in comparison imho. You play those games 10 times and the missions play the exact same way 10 times out of 10.

I don't game on PC all that much but I am sure there are plenty of strategy/sim games that have outstanding AI as well.