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That'd be pretty fuckin' dumb, in all honesty. I know there are some lazy shits out there who only own a 3DS that are interested in that version. But let's be honest, MOST people who are interested in the new game, want the REAL version, aka the HD, Next Gen Wii U version. I still to this day think it was a horrible move on Nintendo's part to have two versions of the game. If they wanted to make a 3DS Smash later on, AFTER the Wii U version comes out, great. But having both, and diverting development to even bother with a 3DS version, let ALONE consider the fact that they've said they're going to have to cut some stuff so that "both versions can be equal" (which is asinine). Yeah. It's just nuts.

It would be pretty stupid though for them to release the 3DS version first, considering that it could potentially eat into the sales of the Wii U version. How many people are honestly going to want to get both, or can afford it?