Ok here we go. ****MY OPINION****
-COD as to be expected for all 4 platforms. Closer margin with Xbone/Ps4 however compared to current gen
-BF4 dominating on Ps4 vs Xbone!!! 360 2:1 Ps3 expected
-AC4 margins decreasing 360/Ps3. Ps4 dominating Xbone version!!!!
-Batman virtually equal in US, worldwide Ps3 will outsell 360
-Killzone Shadow fall to have biggest US opening in series??
-Watch Dogs now irrelevant - disregard all preorders
-Forza 5, DR3, and Ryse all picking up nicely!
-FFX HD looking great!!!
-Madden 25 Ps4 >> Xbone
-Destiny still Ps4>> Xbone
-Infamous enters! Will have epic opening for franchise
-GRAN TURISMO 6 PICKING UP BABY! Don't ever count out GT
-Knack doing better than expected. Caters to family audience
-238 pre ordered last guardian -____-
-Zelda 3DS!!!
-FIFA PS4 enters!!!
WiiU NOT domination
3DS NOT domination
VITA no comment
Ps3 still DOMINATION but not as much as 360