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4D Gamer III said:

Wow, the Sony fanboys in this thread got bitter fast.

No matter how poorly MS's sales in Japan or Others may be, they're still making huge gains over their previous stake in the market last gen and will most likely have an even bigger presence the next. Even if they were to come in third this generation, they still will have won.

As for the Wii, even if the Wii never gets serious third party support, it has already made more money in its first year than either the 360 or Ps3 could in their entire lifetimes. Its a resounding success financially and is in no risk of being outdone regardless who it sells too. Being Nintendo's most succesful console ever just after their worst at the end of an 18 year downward spiral, this is a huge success for them. Every console sold after passing the Gamecube mark will be a gain for them no matter where the dice fall at the end of this generation.

Sony has taken a winning streak with two of the most succesful consoles ever and thrown it away with a cumbersome luxury item that appeals solely to Sony diehards, Techheads and people looking for a cheap Blu-Ray player. Even if the PS3 does beat the 360 this generation, the Ps3 will still be the loser and the 360 the winner since MS is the one gaining ground and the PS3 playing catchup. Unless the PS3 can outdo the 360 and Wii and make up for ten years of lost profits.

No matter what happens the PS3 will be the only loser this generation. No matter how well it does it will only be one who has lost ground while the two others have gobbled up its stake in the market and grown.

Edit: I can't beling the Sony fanboys are trying to get in on the "My console is supply constrained" bandwagon now."

Sorry guys, its the 40gb that people want, not the 80gb.

 ioi himself said that the 80gb ps3 was accounting for over 60% of weekly sales back in January.  :|

Also, I'm nost jumping on the supply constrained bandwagon.  Imo, it sells how it sells.  The only reason I even brought it up is because 360 fanboys have been bitching about supply constraints for weeks now.