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the-pi-guy said:
Kane1389 said:
J_Allard said:
Why would MS make an official announcement on how they are doing preorder wise versus the PS4? Do they just call up Sony and ask the receptionist how many preorders Sony currently has for the PS4? They don't get that information.

In the end, who cares. Preorders are meaningless. How many in this thread have already written the Xbone off next gen, and yet, according to preorders, it's on pace to outsell the 80+ million selling 360? I do find it funny that so many people need to downplay it though.


Not as crazy as it sounds, pre-orders are a lot more prevalent right now than they were in 2005.  Xbox One has higher pre-orders [apparently] than the Xbox 360 did.  Not unbelievable in any way.  Only reason I put apparently in brackets is because I haven't heard anything aside from this. 

Well, the difference is that preorders are definitely going to be higher than in previous gens.  It's just much easier to place a preorder, now.  Every store does it now, not so in 2004/2005.  And online purchasing has grown quite a bit in the past decade.  So even if PS4/One has more preorders than there predecessors, they may end up selling short or just on par with them.  I don't expect that to happen to both of them, exactly, but you never know.

@ TheSting

I don't really need to look, as you have given a great example in this very thread.  You're downplaying 1M+ preorders, saying its most likely just PR talk and Sony could be lying about the number.  You also tried to insinuate that I believe every piece of PR, just because I believe that number.  I have to be honest, in all the forums/comments I have read, not even the most die hard of MS fans have questioned that number.  Some have tried to downplay it, saying its probably barely over 1M or its not the start of the gen that matters, but you are the first/only person to actually suggest Sony could be lying about that number.  There's no point in continuing a conversation with a person like that, so I won't.