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OooSnap said:
I a have been studying this supposed 'evidence' for evolution and I all see are ad hoc explanation, conjectures, imaginary scenarios, huge explanatory gaps, failed predictions and contradictions.

That said, extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence. If evolutionists want to make a strong, convincing case for their 'goo to you by the way of the zoo' story then they should produce observational evidence a fish evolving to an amphibian or a fruitlfy evolving into something else or a reptile evolving wings. That's hard science. That would be scientific.

It's funny how of skeptics believe seeing in believing yet they tend to believe they evolved from goo by the way of the zoo when they never observed any creatures evolve on the macro level.

Indeed evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups.

I won´t be able to change your opinion on this subject, you already  made up your mind.

The evolution theory/natural selection/survival of the fittest is 100% based on logic, everything (!) points in the direction wheather you are looking at the genetical evidence (countless and countless examples like mitochondria originating from normal prokaryotes) or at morphological appearence (rudaments like the coccyx being the stunted leftover of a "monkey`s" tail)


@the bold: Do you even understand what you are demanding ? Evolution is a process that requires thousand and thousands of years, you can´t just inject something into a reptile and it turns into a bird ! What you can do: You can look at it´s DNA and compare it to other animal-species to see how how long ago (relatively speaking) they seperated from each other, you can look for "missing links" like the Archeopteryx that perfectly show characteristics of the later existing species (birds) and the species that came before (Dinosaurs/Reptiles)

....there is absolutely no basis to pretend that Dinosaurs lived together with men in the stone age.

If you would have studied the subject, you would have come to the conclusion that there is no other way live could be as it is today

I´m a biology student btw. and those half harted citations don´t  change anything !

There were no Dinosaur riding cave men !