Seems both IGN and Gamespot might've flat out lied about this game. Atleast according to this vid:
After seeing this vid, i'd like to hear your thoughtsXD
Having seen this video, I think that the player is childish and immature.
Watching this video says nothing about the controls or the level design, which is what the reviewers are criticizing, because the player basically ignores most of the level and mechanics. It's an entirely superficial rebuttal.
Isn't the reviewers harping on the lack of speed of the game while he do a speedrun of this level showing that the reviewers are full of shit?
Conversely the last few minutes complain about the game being too fast lol. By another reviewere.
LOL! True. There is one more thing i find puzzling knowing this game is made be the team that did Sonic Colors. With Sonic Colors there was intelligent level design, it nailed the feel of Sonic, it was very creative... Now all of a sudden this team have no idea what they're doing, the level design is unintelligent, it doesn't feel like a Sonic game, its not creative but just a poor mans Mario Galaxy? Wonder how that happened.