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Zero Hero said:
It doesn't have to outsell the wii to be a successful console. But you wouldn't know that from reading the internetz.

 I agree that not being the market leader doesn't automatically make you a failure.  The GC and N64 were not market leaders but made Nintendo a nice profit so they aren't failures.  The PSP is losing to the DS by a large margin and the margin seems to keep growing yet it's doing far better than any other handheld has done so it too should be considered a success.

However I would have to believe Sony would be quite upset if they could not get at least 35% marketshare by the end of the generation.  Both the previous two generations the PS and PS2 have ended with around 70% of the marketshare.  The last time such a massive drop occured is when Nintendo went from 55% marketshare with the SNES down to the 22% marketshare the N64 had.  It took years for them to get back on top and a radical shift in how they go about business (far more emphasis on casual gaming).