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rickthestick2 said:

Ok yeah i'm new here but anyways here i go.

I'm a christian, not a catholic, or protestant, or any other one of those denominations. I'm just a christian. Now when the issue of Gay comes up, you have to think about 2 things. One, as a christian (or rather, a human being) you can't hate anybody, for whatever sexual preference they are. They have a right to choose, a God-given right to choose, and you should respect that. In no way should a Christian hate another human, for that is a sin that is detestable, and any one who says other-wise simply ain't a christian.

The other thing is that being gay is simply wrong. Its unnatural, simply because there is no reason in nature to be gay, and if you were gay in nature you'd never be able to pass on your genes (the whole point of existence in the natural world) and thus rendering the "survival of the fittest" null and void. Also, to be gay is a sin, a detestable pevertish sin which leads to hell and death, and all Christians should know this. Any one who says other-wise simply isn't a Christian.

All in all, i'm just saying that being Gay is a hell-bound sin, and a foolish act against nature which can be forgiven, but should be recognized as a threat to the Human race/society. However, there is no way in which hate should enter into ones thoughts when thinking about another Human being, because that too is a detestable sin.

And this is the thoughts of a true Christian.

Wait, what?? I'm a christian.. I was born into a highly religious family.. I went to a Seventh-day adventist school (which is like one of the most strictest christian religions) from Kindergarten to sixth grade. And just a normal christian school for 7th grade. And growing up I always went to bible camps, and I always went to church, and in fact I even go about twice a week currently with my aunt.

I'm gay, and there's no way in hell I had a "God-given right to choose".. that's completely absurd. Were you able to chose your sexual orientation? I knew I was gay since I was about 9 years old. Do you think I chose that?? Hell no, for years and years I did not accept myself, especially from all the stuff that was always said about gay people growing up in a religious family. Obviously you can’t choose to be gay, or else there would be no such thing as gay people. Why would a normal heterosexual guy just "choose" to be attracted to guys if he really just was heterosexual. You can’t chose who you’re attracted to or who you love. The bible even says that you were in God’s care even before you were born. And there's no way any gay person would ever tell you that they just wanted to be that way.. does that make any sense?? And if God made you gay, it’s pretty ridiculous to think that he’d make gay people just to be ridiculed and go to hell.

And as far as i know, I personally don’t even know a single gay person that didn’t grow up as a Christian. I personally believe it’s probably because christians are one of the only people strong enough to endure the struggles that gay people have to go through. I knew i was gay since i was like 8 or 9, and i remember even praying to god all the time when i was that age to take away these feelings I had and to make me like girls. And it was also confusing because I really didn't understand why I had no desire to be with a girl or have a girlfriend. When I was an old enough kid, I knew what being gay was, and I remember my religion telling everybody that homosexuality was wrong, and as a little kid it made me feel like crap because I didn’t want to go to hell. And that just made me pray a lot because I was scared. It’s stupid what ignorance could do to even innocent youth. All gay adults were once gay kids. And you're saying it's wrong and it's something that should be repented for forgiveness?? That is such a wrong and messed up thing to say.

Tell me, if you have a wife and kids and a life with them, and all the happiness in the world that having your wife can give you, would you honestly be able to be with another man if for some reason heterosexuality was found to be very wrong?.. Could another guy give you the same amount of happiness..? Would he give you ANY happiness?.. Of course not.. A gay person can’t just choose to be straight, as much as you can’t chose to be gay.. A gay person can never see a woman any more than a friend no matter what age the person is, they can never be romantically or emotionally connected nor happy in the very least being with a woman, just as much as a heterosexual man can never see another man any more than a friend even if he really tried..

Whenever you have a feeling of contentment from thinking about your wife, or the extreme happiness you get when you were first in love with anyone, or the deeply-wired feelings and daydreams of happiness you’ve ever had about anyone, do you think you can just instantly change all that and start being extremely content thinking and being with a guy? no, of course you couldn't.. No one can say what is morally wrong except for God himself.. If God made you the way you are, whether you’re black, white, short, tall, gay or straight, there’s no wrong about it, if it we were wrong, God would not have allowed gay people to be in this world. What is wrong is that you expect all the gay people of the world to be completely miserable their entire lives.

In a hypothetical situation, how would you be if you were never able to be with a woman your entire life? Love is what makes life worth living.. Without somebody you love, life is dead, there’s no reason to live. Love is what makes people happy during the worst and most troublesome things in this world. People kill themselves when their love with someone is broken (i.e. a divorce or break-up). Love has the deepest impact in a person’s life. I’ve yet to see a 40 or 50 year old person who’s never gotten married or been in love and has never been lonely in their life. Love in this world is not wrong, and out of anybody, i would think God would be the last to object. And what people sort of forget is that we all are of God, God created us all.. Gay people are not robots, we are people and born of people, and we are how God made us.. Annnyways, it's 6:15am and I haven't slept yet.. so I'm out..

And also, here are some good websites: <-- this is pretty funny actually..