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BenKenobi88 said:
Riot Of The Blood said:

You can't just ignore a games flaws just because of the system it's on. Again, the PSP is a perfect example. Should a game like Ratchet PSP score 9's in controls and camera because it's a good PSP game? Even the PSP's best games have blatant flaws in both the camera and controls. Do we ignore these flaws because of the PSP's lack of second analog stick? As a reviewer, you can not do that. You have to point out those flaws and take away points because of them.

Gaming is an art that continues to evolve, and new standards are established. Look at Resident 4. That games has raised the bar for the way Resident Evil games control. If Resident Evil 5's controls are inferior, it should most definitely be scored as such. I don't care that game is on the PS3. It still better control every bit as good if it's wants an equal score in that area.

If Resident Evil 5's controls are as clunky, inaccurate, and out-dated as the PS2 and Gamecube versions, the game does not deserve a score equal to the Wii versions. That would not be fair to what the Wii brings to the table, and it's a derogatory gesture towards the innovation the franchise has established.

How can you ignore obvious flaws, then give it's controls an equal score to the Wii's because it's on the PS3? I don't believe games should be reviewed that way.

Understand what I'm saying?

 Where are the obvious flaws in Brawl's graphics, in relation to other games like Mario Galaxy and MP3, which scored higher?  The main problem here is they rated Brawl's graphics lower than Mario and Metroid, and most people here agree that was unfair.

Perhaps looking back, they overrated the graphics for the previous games, or they just liked them more. And, it may have only been 1 reviewer's opinion on each game. What the hell difference does it make? They talk about how they look at overall review scores to help determine what score a game gets, but they do not do that with other scores. I never even look at individual scores. Until a hug game library is built, the best game to compare to is the previous game in the series, which you have tried to do. But perhaps the individual reviewers of each game you are comparing to just disagree. I surely don't see how MP3 received a high graphics score compared to Galaxy and now Brawl, but I'm guessing others disagree.