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Ok yeah i'm new here but anyways here i go.

 I'm a christian, not a catholic, or protestant, or any other one of those denominations. I'm just a christian. Now when the issue of Gay comes up, you have to think about 2 things. One, as a christian (or rather, a human being) you can't hate anybody, for whatever sexual preference they are. They have a right to choose, a God-given right to choose, and you should respect that. In no way should a Christian hate another human, for that is a sin that is detestable, and any one who says other-wise simply ain't a christian.

 The other thing is that being gay is simply wrong. Its unnatural, simply because there is no reason in nature to be gay, and if you were gay in nature you'd never be able to pass on your genes (the whole point of existence in the natural world) and thus rendering the "survival of the fittest" null and void. Also, to be gay is a sin, a detestable pevertish sin which leads to hell and death, and all Christians should know this. Any one who says other-wise simply isn't a Christian.

 All in all, i'm just saying that being Gay is a hell-bound sin, and a foolish act against nature which can be forgiven, but should be recognized as a threat to the Human race/society. However, there is no way in which hate should enter into ones thoughts when thinking about another Human being, because that too is a detestable sin.

 And this is the thoughts of a true Christian.

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