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Purple said:
oni-link said:
kupomogli said:

Persona 4 and Dragon's Crown probably wouldn't. Persona 4 The Golden sold more than SMT4 did. Dragon's Crown sold twice as much as Code of Princess.  Little King's Story and Muramasa would have also had to be downgraded ports in order to work well on the 3DS.

If these games were multiconsole on both 3DS and Vita they definitely wouldn't because people know that Nintendo fans only buy exclusives, most of which are first party.


Your question really doesn't matter anyways.  Here's one for you, matters just as much, or should I say just as little.  Would Shin Megami Tensei 4 sell better on the Vita than it did on the 3DS?  Since it's not a port like Persona 4 The Golden and the port sold better, I'd say yes, probably.  However just as your question doesn't matter, neither does this one.  We know these games aren't going to be on the other system so it's a moot point. We could make baseless assumptions all day long and we could be wrong if it ever did happen.

I see no reason why Dragon's Crown, Muramasa, and Persona couldn't be done on the 3DS which has a higher install base.  It would be foolish to ignore a system with 6x the userbase of the PSV...actually irresponsible from a business standpoint.

Third party sales on 3DS have been very poor though. Other than MH that is...

Still better than they are on the Vita though.