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kingofwale said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

Your grasping for numbers like they are going to elude you. If you don't think the PS3 is up for the long haul, then admit it.

Touting victory over supply constrained consoles is gonna lead to your inevitable horrible flaming when these little issues are ironed out.

Personally, I would stay the course. The only two sony fanboys worth their f'n salt are Crazzy and DMeisterJ, at least they admit it hurts when they lose a week instead of explaining it away with numbers gone by, and hoping for supply contraints to help their console.

Those two truely believe the PS3 can win, with no gimmicks, in a real, fair competition, eventually. If you wanna support your system, shouldn't you at least pretend that you believe that, instead of instantly creating damage control?

 or... here's another theory, That they are the only two who CARE about Sony's sales number enough to 'hurt'?

Frankly, I see most PS3 owners here really could care less if PS3 gets outsold by 10K or so in US. What we care about is consist good games on the console. Sales number is nothing more than a nice bragging rights. There's no sense getting hurt from it.

And honestly, if I were to listen to Microsoft PR all the time, I'd still think RRoD is at about 3%.

I actually don't see what he is talking about with DMeisterJ. I think DM is more a crowd control guy. People try to rip the Ps3 and I think he is the guy that steps in and say "guy you need to look at these facts more"