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Meh. 8.5 for graphics is a bit low, but it's not like the score is an average anyway. The Wii having less horsepower than the other consoles makes it hard to judge graphics with a single scale, and IGN's approach seems to be to consistently giving Wii games lower scores in graphics. This lets Wii owners compare the graphics of Wii games to each others, keeps the online penises of HD console owners from going flaccid, and doesn't screw the overall scores of Wii games, since again the final score isn't an average.

Probably not the way I'd do it, but still far from the worst approach to take.

I'm not sure what to say about their chief complaint, the overwhelming feeling of "there could have been a bit more of this and that". I've been feeling the same way lately, especially since the hype is dying down, but the game is still months away from Europe.

There are so many awesome things Sakurai could've added, like more than two third party characters, and more importantly numerous ways in which he could've gotten more awesome out of the same amount of work.

ROB rather than Midna? Bah!
Another semi-clone is ok, but why make a second one of Fox?

Brawl still looks like it'll be my GOTY 2008, and I'll probably forget everything negative about it when I finally get my hands on the concentrated chunk of win, but for now I'm suffering from "oh I wish that was included too" blues.

Is it a ridiculous complaint? Absolutely!
Does aknowledging that make it go away? I wish it would!