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Kasz216 said:

A move to all drones would be a catastrophic mistake.

While modern warfare is currently different.   There is nothing to suggest that there won't ever be a war against two developed nations with developed weapons.

To suggest there never will be a conventional war again is silly at worst, dangerous at best.

There is plenty to be said about keeping an edge in military technology.

For once I agree with you. Drones are cannon fodder for any remotely developed air defence and EW.

Kasz216 said:

As for the F22 Lightning...   that's a videogame... and the F22 is one of the best modern fighter planes developed.   I can only imagine you mean the F35.

Which was supposed to be a fighter better suited for onesided unconcentional warfare that could still fight in the skies.  It essentially was supposed to just be exactly what you want.  A fighter meant for more modern wars... that you need a lot less of.

It's costs balooned out out of control, but that occasionally happens when you build unknown technologies for the first time.


They want to buy around... 225 I think?   That seems... pretty reasonable honestly considering it's over the course of like... 10 years or something like that?

Production run has been stopped afair at 187th aircraft > price is astonomical, cost of maintance skyrocketed, on top of all there're constant flight restrictions, that makes them barely operational and not battle ready. Likely it never go for sale. Failed programme all in all.

And no, the machine was designed for conventional warfare, typical cold war product, had a few 'total change of plans' along its devlopment, stuck in devlopment hell, made few people rich, and now general brasshats don't know what to do with it. Meanwhile Boeing is offering new modifications of old machines, because existing are nearing critical age, ~25 years on average.