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Here is the nightmare of early adopters. My Xbox 360 RRODed in 2007. My PS3 Slim's HDMI fried. On the contrary my PS2 (which I gave to my cousin) still works fine. Check this article.

IMO this particular PS4 overheated because it was in a small plastic box which had no ventilation. I hope Sony knows it cost Microsoft an estimated $1 billion for RROD issues. Mark Cerny answered a month ago that their designers know what to do.




PS4 Overheating & The Red Line Of Death



A photo has surfaced showing a demo PS4 console overheating and displaying what has been dubbed “the red line of death.”  The picture was taken at a PS4 event in Spain and posted by Elotrolado member Homer J. Simpson in his report of the event.  He says (translated from Spanish) “it had a red light (where the typical blue LED light) and had a message on the screen saying that the console had a very high temperature.  The security case was opened and in two seconds the error message was removed and the light had returned to its normal color.

There have been various reports of PS4 consoles crashing during recent demonstrations but hopefully these issues will be sorted out by the time the console reaches retail.





