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naznatips said:
Griffin said:
All you guys complaining about the graphics score can you provide a list of games that scored better for graphics.

(this isn't sarcastic) thanks for at least trying to find out more before attacking people's complaints Griffin. Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are the two games that have been rated higher, both given 9.5s.

Other games that have tied with it: Twilight Princess 8.5, Zack & Wiki 8.5.

Giving MP3 a 9.5 seems pretty high, i have played the game it i don't think it looks alot better then its GC version. I'm not going tocomment on the SMG score since i hated the game. But giving it the same score as Z&W seems odd, since brawl looks alot better. I also thougt TP looked very good, i played some of the levels on the GC version.

But based on these ratings i went looking on IGN at some PS3 reviews, uncharted got a 9.5 for sound, but the Aussie IGN site gave it an 8 for sound. While the new MLB game only got an 8.5 for graphics when it is the best looking sports game on any console. Plus they gave a 9 to uncharted for graphics when it is the best looking game on a console next to UT3. But they gave DMC4 a 9.5 for grapgics when it does not even come close to those games for graphics.

Plus they gave an 8 to lair for sound when the game has won awards for its great musical score. So it looks like no matter the system or game they screw things up. Now i can see why you guys are up in arms at the 8.5 they gave brawl for graphics. And CoD4 looks like trash but it got graphics of the year at GT.

But if they raised the graphics they would need to lower the lasting appeal or the sound, no game deserves a 10 for anything.