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Post your PC specs and lets go from there

I think you best bet its on buying a mid-high end video card IF you have a sandry, ivy or haswell i5 or more, or a FX 43XX, 63XX 83XX, I would choose AMD because its better cost/performance card and it has Mantle tech(lets hope it turns out good), I would grab a used HD 7970 Ghz for 200$ or so, or go for a HD 7950 Boost(I own one and its great) for the same price if you dont wanna go second hand. Or wait for the R9 280x and 270x discount.

You will see great improvement over your current 5750 crossfire, and will probably last you 3 to 4 years on mid-high settings on 1080p with little AA. You can save the rest of the money wainting for PS4 to come down in price, more and better games or maybe go XBone route if you like.

4Bone needs $$ for online, and games are usually 10$ more expensive

If you like playing Fifa, Madden, GTA, Gran Turismo, God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us, COD/Battlefield with console friends, Metal Gear(My only reason to get a 4Bone), Final Fantasy, good JRPGs(hope they can make a come back). Get a PS4 no doubt on launch

If you like PC exclusives, online structure and none of the games above its your cup of tea, grab the graphics card and wait.

PS Vita and PC gamer

CPU Intel i5 2500K at 4.5 Ghz / Gigabyte Z68 Mobo / 8 Gb Corsair Vengeance 1600 mhz / Sapphire HD 7970 Dual X Boost / Corsair Obsidian 550d