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tastyshovelware said:

"Looks like an enhanced version of Melee. Improved character models and backgrounds. Everything runs in 480p, 16:9 and at 60 frames. Even so, the graphics definitely lack detail in areas."

melee scored a 8.0/10 for graphics. 6+ years have passed, standards have changed yet brawl still has the better graphical score. meaning they do think the graphics look markedly better.

The character models are as detailed as physically possible on the Wii.  So are the environments.  Obviously everything has improved to the limit it can.  The stages are far more complex with far more animation, the character models are more detailed, the game runs at a rock solid 60FPS and the max resolution. The game is the best looking game on the Wii with the possible exception of Super Mario Galaxy.  What are you comparing it to that it should have improved on?