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MaxwellGT2000 said:
windbane said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
@ Windbane
You fail on so many levels, it isn't even worth my effort to prove you wrong, just please stop with the whole Wii looks like GC games, ya know what? a few games WERE GC games, then others looks much better yet you still troll and say they do, so please I'll get the proof if need be but just stop, go play the 2 decent games thats out on PS3 and leave the Wii subject be.

OT: I preordered my copy of MK:Wii today :D

There are more quality games on PS3 than Wii. Check out or If you can provide me some comparison videos showing the graphical improvement, then please do. I've played all the games I've mentioned, as well as the GC versions. Only Zelda was a port, btw.

Quit going off topic dude if you're going to troll about the Wii do it in your Sony threads, not official game threads, anyway since you insist on proof here.

Metroid Prime 2

Notice the lack of lighting effects, bloom, not a much polygons going to work here, and a bit more grain to the texteures.

Metroid Prime 3

Now see this much clearer, more detailed, light and particle effect filled game.

If you cannot see the difference you're either blind or have something wrong with your brain. End of story get over it, its done, DONT post anymore about the graphics, cause all its going to be is trolling.

First of all, I was talking about Mario Kart until you made an off--topic comment about lack of PS3 games, which is quite the weakness of the Wii.  I responded.  Do not accuse me of going off-topic when everything I've said before responding to you was related to Mario Kart, and how like other Wii games, they aren't looking much better than GC games.

 I can not see much difference in those pictures.  You can try to insult me all you want, but the biggest difference in those screens is the grey floor looks better than the brown floor.  In the 2nd picture there is an attack going on.  Is the lighting better for that?  Sure, but there's no similar attack going on in the MP2 picture.  Judging by the creature and the gun, they look on par with each other.

That's the last I'll say on it unless you want to make another thread, because I do love Mario Kart and I don't want to argue over MP.  If you make another thread for more attempts at showing me comparisons or providing links to comparison videos, I'd greatly appreciate it.