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shakarak said:
Currently I do most of my gaming on my PC (94 steam games), followed by my Wii U and then 3DS.  I've never been much of a Sony gamer (I've beaten the important Final Fantasy's on PS1, San Andreas and FF X on PS2, and Eternal Sonata on PS3).                                                                                                                                                                               
I only have enough money this holiday season to get one or the other and my graphics cards are getting a bit long in the tooth (i'm curently rocking two 5750's).  In certain games on max settings (Crysis 2, Metro 2033, The Witcher 2) I'm getting some frame rate drops where  I have to lower  the settings to high.  I'm thinking of getting a $300-500 dollar Nvidia card like the 770 or something along those lines.  My other option is to pick up a PS4.  The games I'm most looking forward too are The Division and Destiny and if I were to pick up a PS4  it would be mostly to play with local friends (they can't afford a good gaming rig).  One of my favorite genres is JRPG and as a PC and nintendo gamer that sometimes can be lacking, so that's another driving force as to why I may want to get a PS4.

So I ask the community what would be the better investment for me and maybe a little reason as to why I should pick one or the other.

If you want Killzone and InFamous (Now), get a PS4.  Otherwise I would wait on both.  Personally I am planning on waiting 2-4 years until console games start slowing down again like they did in late 2011.  Then I just upgrade my PC when the PS5 is 1-2 years away so I can get into next gen early once again! ;)