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fallen said:
OdinHades said:
fallen said:

Cboat aka mister "pretty much always wrong". Aka Neogaf spokesboy (appropriately,. I suppose, given that forum).

At this point he doesn't even say anything specific anymore, just a bunch of random bile anybody could make up spewed at Microsoft.

I particularly enjoy how upclocks (the opposite of all CBOATS lies about the horrible yields etc) are in there. Like, in some sort of implied negative fashion.

Being faster, clearly a sign of disarray.

He's basically just a paid Sony FUD-bot like all of Neogaf at this point.

Yeah, cboat was wrong so many times. He's just right like 99 % of the time, so he's not to be taken seriously AT ALL. Trust misterxmedia instead, that man knows what he's talking about. Like, dGPU, 12 GB RAM, TEH CLOUD, Optimiziation, all that good stuff. He is so friggin's right all the time!


Heh, misterxmedia is crazy,  never said otherwise...


CBOAT isn't 99% right, his recent track record is pretty awful. Like, 0% AFAIK. Most famously he guarenteed an October release of PS4...


A lot of his so called predictions are just unprovable anti-Xbox fud-nonsense anyway (example from one of his recent tirades IIRC: New Xbox One driver drops performance 20%, with no proof ever given, and of course never will be because it's unprovable, or, "terrible yields", another unprovable fudd-y accusation later debunked by an upclock). His specific predictions are even more prone to being wrong since they're actually disprovable.

He's been right on about 99% stuff related to Microsoft, his Sony record is worse, he even said so himself. Given that this is Microsoft related news, theres a very very high chance he's right