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Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Seece said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Nah. It'll be slow going. Do people want those badly enough to upgrade? Especially when they can get it on hardware they already own?
Will the graphics really matter to them? They wont be entirely new games either.

They wanted it badly enough with PS360, despite $599 and RROD.

Last gen was winding down. Gaming Industry was moving on.


Gaming industry in this case isnt moving on. Especially not in Japan.


Im not speaking from a industry perspective. But from a consumer.

Will the majority want to upgrade as quickly as possible because they're games on the PS4.Xbone that they can play on their current systems albeit with two discs? No.

We got 2014-2015 games to deal with before we see the "new stuff"

That gen was as short as 4 years for Xbox owners. I fail to see how that gen was dying down after 4/5 years but this one isn't after 7/8?? Sorry but I don't remember legions of people in 2004 begging for a new generation because they were bored of PS2. That's all we've seen since 2010 from PS360 owners, despite the great software that has come out.

What has Japan got to do with any of this??

All 2014 - 2015 games will be coming out on PS4 and Xbox One too.