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think-man said:
Blood_Tears said:
benji232 said:

What point are you trying to make here? Ps3 is still on the obvious effect of GTAV. PS3 averaged this year 110-120k which is still a good amount over the wiiU but still no where near double. And let's see how a brand new 3D mario will boost wiiU sales if an HD remake quadrupled wiiU sales (from sub 20k to over 80k).

Your right, this year PS3 is no where near double Wii U. It’s actually over 4 times the amount of Wii U thus far this year.

2013 Sales as of September 28th
PS3 - 6,054,851
Wii U - 1,423,509

Soo good ^^

His argument was irrevelant to our argument, what are you celebrating?

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M