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Riot Of The Blood said:
naznatips said:

That's ridiculous. You don't compare graphics to other platforms. You compare them to the other games on the platform in question. Otherwise DS graphics would never score above a 3, and PS3 and 360 graphics would never score above an 8 after Crysis.


Ok, then here's my question: 

If you're a reviewer and you're not really impressed with the graphics because you have seen better, do you give the game a high score in graphics anyways because of the system it's on? I don't think you should do that. It would be like giving the PS3's motion controls a high score just because they're ok for a PS3 game, though you know what motion controls can really do after playing the Wii's resident evil.

That depends. If you gave me a PS3 game that had wonderful SIXAXIS controls (Let's say Warhawk, which I have heard praised), then I would probably rate it higher than a game like... I dunno... LAIR, where you have terrible controls due to the developers not putting enough thought and/or testing into the controls, not the controller's limitation. Now, if you tried to compare the PS3's bes SIXAXIS controlled game Wiimote Motion-sensing game (like Excite Truck), and the Wiimote is somehow Deemed ultimately superior (Like with the PS3/360's graphics being far above the Wii's), then you moght be able to say "Oh, this game doesn't have good controls because it's on the PS3!"