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The way I rate a game's graphics (or any other element) is how they help or hurt the gameplay.  Do they make the whole gaming experience smooth or rough?  Do they add to the story and excitement and immersion and overall fun factor or do they get in the way?  Sometimes a game can look great but crappy camera work makes you focus on the beautiful backgrounds instead of your damn character and it ruins the gameplay.  It's the same with movies.  You don't say a movie looks like shit just 'cuz it's in black and white or has some handheld camera work.  I'd like to see a really nice black and white oldschool horror video game.  Each story has different needs that can be met in many different ways, so I'd say they (both games and movies) need to be rated using a case by case method.

This is art people.  We don't need to count pixels.  You don't walk into the Louvre and complain that the Mona Lisa only has 3 colors.  (I've done this and had my ass swiftly handed to me by some DaVinci-fanboys.)

Regarding Brawl, the gameplay is so damn fun that the graphics are completely irrelevant.  That aside, the graphics ARE amazing.  The character models are the best these characters have EVER looked ever, and the animations are smooth as hell even with a million Excitebikes and Pokemanz all over the screen.  Ridiculous detail was put into the stages this time around, and now even a boring-ass level like Final Destination is completely stunning due to the amazing background animations.  I almost want to stop and admire the beauty and see where Sakurai's team is taking me next.  But sadly, I'm surrounded by bloodthirsty Pikmin who will stop at nothing to eat my soul.  And there's a short big-nosed spaceman who can pick them out of the ground as fast as I can kill them.  And as if that wasn't distracting enough, there's a fat guy who smells like garlic driving a motorcycle right at me while farting all over the place, some dude hiding in a box talking about eating dinosaurs, and there's a fox in a giant tank rolling right at me.  If that's not art, I don't know what is.