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BasilZero said:
Nem said:
Zesteria will also likely be a PS3 exclusive aswell, so Tales fans have no choice. Theres gonna be 5 exclusive Tales games on the PS3. Its a no-brainer. Though i dont recommend Graces. xD

Cant be as bad as Legendia.

Well, at the end of the day i wouldnt want to play either one. Legendia was essentially flawed. Graces systems work, but the combat becomes basicaly a button spammer cause theres no TP system. The way the damage works is dumb aswell. If you get a combo with your party you do stupid ammounts of damage, like exponencially bigger, wich makes your regular attacks pretty much wet noodles. It removes alot of strategy from the combat for me since all you gotta do is juggle your enemy and its win.

Besides that, the story is just way too childish. Definitly aimed at a younger demographic. The pacing of the story is also worse than the dragon ball anime. Theres hardly any at all, and i didnt care much for the character wich were hastely put together. You can totally tell the game was hastily put together and lacked any direction as the developments that happen in the story never have a build up and you will be crossing the world to save some thing you essentially dont get what they are until later in the game. More systems are just a chore. Xillia improved on them alot.