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BenKenobi88 said:
TopCat8 said:
I thought the review, for the most part, was fair. The only complaint I have with his review is when he said that he was actually disappointed that there weren't more 3rd party characters. Ummm...There didn't have to be any at all. Don't complain.

 I think a big problem is that Snake was revealed in the first trailer for Brawl, AMAZING, but obviously old news.

Sonic was revealed later last year.

If Snake and Sonic were totally secret, unlockable characters, reviews would be GUSHING about how awesome it is that they threw in these 2 third party characters.  Since they're old news, they take it for granted.

agreed. snake was announced a year and a half before brawl hit shelves and sonic was something like 3 months prior to release. i think a lot of people (including myself) were waiting for that 1 final pay off announcement that would come right before or the day of the games release. still, 2 is better then 0.