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titanfall looked like a blast,and im not really into multi plat games,though graphics wise,its not that impressive at all,and rarely ever hear anybody boasting about its fidelity.and it in no way.shape or form does it makes kz and battlefield look last gen,in fact the opposite is true, i dont even think titanfall devs would say that with a straight face... i bet quantum is like uncharteds in-engine cut scenes.where the character models are upped in detail for the cutscenes only,then when you finally take control,you see the quality fade a bit. and if were talking in engine,than quantum dreams blew that away by 2 miles,whether or not they make that demo at e3 a game or not.

ryse looks good,but it looks its best when it slows down,zooms in and takes a lot of control away from the player
i think the character models in deep-down and the order(especially the order 1866) look sharper than ryse's. g.i already announced it the best looking game they ever seen