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I dont think it will happen often for sony. Nintendo is playing a little too smart.

Here's the outline for q1 and q2:
Dec- Wii Fit: Surge in Japan, carried over to Jan
Jan - Smash Bros.: Surge in Japan
Feb - Some good releases worldwide help maintain high demand
March - Smash Bros.: Surge in America
Early April - Many good releases world wide maintain high demand in new fiscal year & Mario Kart Wii: Surge in Japan as SSBB surge starts to die down
Mid April: Mario Kart Wii: Surge in Europe
Late April: Mario Kart Wii: Surge in America & Wii Fit: Surge in Europe.
Early May: Wii Fit: Armageddon in America & Smash Bors: Surge in Europe
Mid May: Wii Ware: Global Surge and expanded interest will lead to higher demand.
June: Third Party and multiconsole software will be featured as summer drought hits.

And this is just Nintendo's 1st party plan. Lets not discount some of the good 3rd party games coming out. And by staggering releases so well, Nintendo is balancing constrained supply to achieve maximum sell-thru. Fairly smart and it causes almost every week to have a surge somewhere in the world. That will make Sony outselling Wii WW very difficult.

Sony's q1 and q2 plan is not nearly as thought out:
Jan - Nothing
Feb - DMC4: Small Surge & Blu-ray win: Small Surge
March - nothing really, maybe Prologue
April - Global Armageddon with GTA4 <-- Sony's best shot at outselling Wii WW for a week or two, but the competition from MS will dampen the impact.
May - nothing really
June - MGS4: global surge <-- Another good chance for sony as nintendo will focus on 3rd pary releases as the summer drought hits.


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