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Max King of the Wild said:
dsgrue3 said:

I'm not sure why you're on me. It's not at my discretion to dole out bans; in case you haven't noticed, I'm usually on the receiving end. I saw it as offensive, so I reported it.

Do you have something to contribute to the thread or are you just trying to pick a fight?

Asking for clarification would be the obvious thing to do. And mods are no more infallible than you. In fact, many of them ban now and don't ever ask later.

Why? You gonna report me? Because if you look at my previous posts they were more on topic than yours

If you want to ask people for clarification, that's your prerogative. 

I think I've stated my position on the historicity of Jesus quite clearly. I side with experts in that it is highly likely that he existed and I follow the evidence wherever it leads. My position on anything isn't set in stone.