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Riot Of The Blood said:

So, disagreeing with a score given to a game is trolling now? I guess everyone is a troll, then, because we have all done before. Some people don't think Halo 3 deserved the high scores it got, but that doesn't make them trolls. It's called having an opinion, and that's something we all have. I don't have to agree with IGN's score.

Naznatipz has recently said that FFXII does not deserve the scores it got, and that he would not give more than a 6/10. Naznatipz is now a troll, right?

I don't think Wii Sports is a generation-defining game. Wii Fit will be better, and it will score higher.

Wait wait wait back up there...

I said I personally wouldn't review FFXII higher than a 6, but that's also a game that I've played and have formed my own opinions about.  It was an opinon, and I didn't say everyone else was wrong, just that I personally had a different opinion on the game.

You haven't played Brawl.  Your only opinions on the game come from your dislike of Nintendo this generation and your seemingly general negative bias towards anything that's popular... which I don't understand.  You're just as much of a follower for rejecting anything popular as you would be for accepting everything popular.