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kitler53 said:
could they do it? probably.

should they? no.

...putting office on xbone is just a waste of time and resources. the reason, imo, why the windows 8 strategy isn't working and pissing off customers is MS thinks people want the same experience on all devices when the truth is we buy different devices because we're looking for different experiences.

the couch and tv is not the right configuration to do work. don't waste your time MS.

first win 8 is working so bad that it is already past OSX market share all version together.... but beside that if people weren't interested in all in one device they would still buy PCs on top of their tablet.... currently they want their tablet to do everything....


the only true issue with  win8 is not the concept it is the most advanced and polyvalent out there.... it steamrolls OSX and iOS, android and chrome without a second of thinking... because by essence concidering just the OS it does all of what the other do combine and better for the most part and in a more secure way....

the real issue was/is the excussion of the concept..... once that is fine tuned to be as much a mainstream do it all OS and a professional OS seamlessly there will be no valid reaon beside design taste to hate win8... it is a solide OS core... and a way more modern one and future proof than most of the competition no matter what real life application you are concidering