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I'm around 5 hours in.. will possibly make a thoughts topic once I finish it.

The graphics on the characters are indeed insane. However the environments do not stack up against some other titles. Try walking around on the snow sections and you'll see the absence of footsteps within the snow most of the time and in general: it feels like there's some subtle stuff missing and I personally feel a lot of the areas are inconsistent, similar to Heavy Rain. It is still amazingly good looking though.

Hell the characters are on class and possibly even better than the PRE-RENDERD scenes of TLOU/UC3. Its really impressive.

I personally find TLOU and UC3 to be better looking for the attention to detail. Climbing a sand dune and hunting a deer in UC3/TLOU had some ridicilous detail but Beyond is absolutely 100% a worthy contender and I can see anyone arguing its the best visuals on the console just as I can see the same for God of War Ascension.

TLOU, UC3, Beyond and GoWA are all winners.