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Just watched trailer.

Here's what Ubisoft should have done.

Release this BEFORE Assassin's Creed 4 and for free, like instead of a AC4 demo we get this.

Imagine how cool and awesome that would be. We would get a taste of the game, get this character developed and make the hype and anticipation for AC4 just the more. It would give huge good will towards all gamers and put you up on pedastool as one of the greatest video game companies.

I'm curious as to how that would translate financially. Would they make more or less money? I'm sure it would increase overall AC4 sales, but how much would they lose by not getting the DLC money.

It's like the little flash game on the computer that was released before Dragon Age Origins that you could play and unlock stuff for ingame or whatever.  Except this would be much omre awesome