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I don't have an "alliance" per say because I have owned both and I just buy the best deal  (As every sain person should).  

However I will say that I heavily favor AMD for these reasons:

-Price/Performance is generally INSANELY in favor of AMD.  280X = 770, and yet the 280X is $100 cheaper and has more than enough RAM.  Only an idiot would buy a 770 or 780 right now.

-Nvidia skimps on VRAM like crazy.  580 1.5 GB while 6950 had 2?   In the BF4 beta I see Nvidia people complaining constantly that their 2GB is not enough.  Well than you shouldn't have bought that stupid card.

-SAPPHIRE >>>>> EVGA.  Every, and I mean every EVGA card me, or my friends bought broke within 2 years.  NO SAPPHIRE card I have seen has ever broken, and even when abused by excessive overclocking.

-Nvidia Drivers for me were a complete mess during the 500 series.

That's about it.  Say what you will since a lot of what I said is opinion, but seriously is that extra 18% performance a 780 has over a 7970 worth $350?  No.