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outlawauron said:

You're full of it.

I spent over $1k on my gaming rig 3 years ago (and have spent more replacing parts that have broken), and I find your exagerrations grating. I can run everything, but nothing on max and certainly not with a stable frame rate. I think PC elitists exist because the internet gives very insecure people to form an hivemind.

I never said everything will be on max. Nor did I include Anti-Aliasing, majority of games however will run fine on max, the PC games library spans decades remember.

You obviously get the exceptions such as Metro, but then even the consoles wouldn't be running that even on Max anyway, sorry about your reading comprehension failing on that part.

If you built your PC right the first time, you wouldn't have broken hardware either.
My PC is going on 2 years old (In sig) and not one single piece of hardware has failed, My Phenom 2 x6 PC is going on 3 years old and it's still as reliable as the day I built it.
My FX 8120 system is going on a couple years old and it's perfectly fine, even with my kid-brothers abuse.

There are millions of PC's around the world which are a decade or older, all running fine like the day they were built, I'm afraid you're the exception and not the rule.
Besides, warranty is there for a reason, my PSU has a 7 year warranty and my motherboard has a 10 year warranty for instance, which is longer than my Xbox 360's 2-3 year warranty length.

If you want, I do have access to a Core 2 Quad system, I can drop one of my Radeon 7970's into it and do some benchmarks if you wish, you would be surprised how well they handle gaming.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--