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kowenicki said:
Kasz216 said:
kowenicki said:


1) He was hired by microsoft to work a microsoft event.  That makes him a Microsoft Employee.   As for not doing anything wrong... Microsoft and his apologizes seem to suggest otherwise.

2)  I don't see where any of what you said there is true... outside the story being widely reported.

Their was a joint statement, sure.  After she posted an article about how the whole situation had her crying and why trans-people don't talk about this stuff because they get tons of harrasment and hatemail and make it hard to work in the industry.... and tried to have the article pulled BECAUSE of how much constant hatemail she was receiving.

Followed by a press release that doesn't really say much... which came after apologizes both by Microsoft and the comedian who both did agree they did something wrong.  (which coincidentally does a nice job of capping the story and greatly lowering the hatemail.)


Usually you're better at spotting the obvious PR farces.

No, that doesnt make him an MS employee. Thats simply nonsense and nobody who knows anything about employment law would say such a ridiculous thing.  It makes him a freelance comedian hired for a sole event.  He is not employed by MS, period.  I hire people for my company events, they arent then under my employ or even my control, they are sub contracted free lancers providing a service to my company.  There is a huge, HUGE, difference.

You say its a farce.  Dont know why you would say that and what basis you have for knowing that for a fact?  It isnt for you or anyone else to attempt to read between the lines, you should take it at face value.

I'm surpirsed at you stance on this as a person whose opinion I respect and as a mod.

Never used, "it", "he" or "thing"

Her performance during the whole episode was actually pretty bad, putting her number out there omn twitter when she made the original complaint and then complaining for people harrassing her... she was all over the place.


1) Now your just being pedantic to try and win a point.  He was representing microsoft as a presenter.  They were specifically paying him for his words.


2)  Seeing enough PR?  If you weren't so agitated in this thread i'd be shocked if you didn't agree with me... as you've seen the same PR stuff over and over again and called out the fairly obvious farces.  I mean seriously, read the thing... you linked it.

... and yeah, people tend to get upset and be all over the place when they've had their core identites insulted.  Calling out a victims state of mind after an incident?  I'd think you'd be above that kind of blaming the victim thing. 

The fact that she was all over the place is if anything, proof that it wasn't made up or a lie.

Though I don't see how being upset that bringing up such an issue gets you death threats, and other verbal abuse and threats of violence counts as "being all over the place."  so much as... being pissed that dumbasses are being dumbasses.and tell me if you feel the same way. 


If you end up feeling the same way a week from now I'll be very disapointed, as I also resepect your opinions on most things... espeically when you don't get dragged down into a lot of the "not really moderatable but people are being jerks" type of arguements that always devolve until someone goes over the line and gets banned like it's forum chicken or something.


Outside which, if you think something should be modded, report it.  I don't know if it's just me, but I generally try and avoid modderating in threads i've posted in to a serious degree unless there are no other mods online and things really linger.   Seems like bad ettiquite to me.